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Changsha Housing and Construction Bureau visited our company and held a special exchange meeting on "Science and Technology Innovation, Digital Empowerment"





Liu Xinpei


Innovation Research Institute

Release time:

2024-02-29 16:14

28 FebruaryIn the afternoon, Zhang Yuexien, director of Changsha Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, and his party visited Hunan Architectural Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as HD) and held a special exchange meeting on "scientific and technological innovation, digital empowerment, and using BIM technology to promote the transformation and high-quality development of the construction industry.

More than 200 people attended the meeting, including relevant departments and units of Changsha Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau, Changsha Survey and Design Association, Changsha Real Estate Development Association, Changsha Cost Association, HD leadership team members and representatives of cadres and workers.

The meeting was chaired by Zhang Yuexian.

HD Party Secretary, Chairman Xia Xin Hong delivered a welcome speech.

Gu Binglong, general manager of HD Energy Technology Company, Xia Bowei, deputy director of the Institute of Intelligent Construction Innovation Design and Research-Digital Design and Intelligent Building, Pan Zhaoyu, chief engineer of the Institute of Municipal Engineering Innovation, and Yuan Zhengrong, researcher of the Institute of Innovation, had professional sharing and exchanges at the meeting.

Gu Binglong, with the title of "Application of Smart Property Scenarios", shared specific cases of building energy governance, realized online monitoring and scientific decision-making by digital means, and created living, intelligent and digital operation and maintenance management products.

With the title of "Application of BIM Technology in Intelligent Construction Process", Xia Bowei expounds how BIM technology plays a central role in the intelligent construction system, and effectively promotes the smooth transmission and efficient application of design data in the whole life cycle of the building.

Pan Zhaoyu brought a theme report entitled "Digital Intelligence Empowerment to Promote High-quality Development of Water Supply and Drainage Industry". The report focuses on the pain points of the drainage industry. Through self-developed BIM UE game engine architecture, GIS drainage digital model, AI auxiliary decision-making and other technical means, a digital operation control platform is built to effectively improve the management, operation and maintenance level of the whole system.

With the title of "Urban Safety and Health Monitoring and Early Warning", Yuan Zhengrong demonstrated that through the use of intelligent sensing, Beidou navigation, visual sensing, image recognition and other technologies, multi-source heterogeneous data modeling and digital twin technology are integrated to provide scientific basis for building operation monitoring and early warning and health assessment, and to predict the development trend and potential risks of buildings, so as to realize the monitoring and control of the whole life of buildings.

Finally, Zhang Yuexien made a keynote speech on "Science and Technology Innovation Digital Empowerment Promotes Construction Industry Transformation and Upgrading High Quality Development with BIM Technology" and summarized it. He pointed out that green construction, digital construction, intelligent construction and fabricated construction are the only way for construction industry transformation and upgrading high quality development. The core of this is to use BIM technology to thread through the needle and promote the whole construction process to be "identical, model, model to model, model to the end and multi-purpose", realize resource integration, data sharing, and efficiency improvement, and ultimately stimulate "new quality productivity" to achieve the strategic goal of green, low-carbon, smart and safe industry. A group of industry leaders like HD actively seize the opportunity and form a series of rich experiences and achievements for reference and promotion in the research practice and innovation promotion of BIM technology. I also look forward to the construction industry enterprises participating in this exchange activity, together with HD, such sentimental, powerful and technological enterprises, to work together and aim at the direction, on the road of new construction industrialization and on the road of intelligent construction development, to write a new chapter of the times.

After the meeting, Zhang Yuexian and his party also visited the HD digital technology achievements and product exhibition, and spoke highly of HD's related work and research in the fields of smart water and smart energy.

In recent years, HD has been making every effort to build scientific and technological innovation business, and has established scientific and technological research and development departments such as Innovation Research Institute, Intelligent Construction Innovation Design Research Institute, Municipal Engineering Innovation Research Institute, Double Carbon Engineering Research Center, Digital Science and Technology Center, Energy Science and Technology Company, One Titanium Science and Technology Company, etc, it has developed and produced digital products such as building digital twin solutions, HD-Aidmaster artificial intelligence software, smart energy management and control platform, HD-Gaia underground structure design software, smart drainage operation and control platform, urban safety and health monitoring platform, and smart city management platform.

In the future, HD will accelerate the cultivation and development of new quality productivity, continuously improve the innovation chain from research and development to technology application, product engineering, and industrialization, adhere to intensive and high-quality development, and move towards the goal of becoming a national first-class and internationally competitive technology. The design consulting group continues to move forward.

Hunan Provincial Architectural Design Institute