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Strong confidence, drive and development! Company representatives discuss the "two committees" report



Party building



Party-Mass Work Department

Release time:

2024-03-01 16:12

On February 29, the first Congress of Hunan Architectural Design Institute Group Co., Ltd. of the Communist Party of China successfully opened in Changsha. At the meeting, the report of the "two committees" was widely discussed by the delegates.

Everyone agreed that the report comprehensively reviewed the company's progress and achievements in the past six years, and drew a blueprint for the next five years. It has clear thinking, clear goals, practical and feasible, in line with the company's reality, and runs through the requirements of promoting high-quality development. Objectively analyzed the situation facing reform and development, carrying the trust of the majority of party members and the expectations of the employees, not only seeking truth from facts to show achievements, but also inspiring people, it has important guiding significance for creating a new situation in the company's work and achieving high-quality and sustainable development. It is a good report with a clear theme and inspiring fighting spirit. Let's listen to their hearts together.


01| The great power of thought leads the way.

Wang Peng, Party Branch of the First Institute of Architecture and the General Advisory Center

After listening to and discussing the reports of the "two committees", I deeply realized the importance of strengthening grass-roots party building and party committee members to jointly produce front-line party branches, which to a large extent stimulated the subjective initiative of grass-roots party members. I am more impressed by the epidemic period, our department party members led the masses to form a team to provide design services for medical institutions, to help Hainan Xiangqiong Industrial Park construction-related design work, etc., giving full play to the role of the branch fighting fortress.

Li Fengwu, Party Branch of the Second Academy of Architecture

The "Two Committees" report comprehensively summarized the work and achievements of the company's current party committee and discipline inspection committee in the past six years. The report has a clear theme, rich content, inspiring, and extremely inspiring. The first is a high political position, fully implementing Xi Jinping's new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the decision-making and deployment of the provincial party committee and provincial government, the provincial SASAC party committee and the Xingxiang Group party committee; the second is the summary of the results, after three years of epidemic and industry development Major changes, the company's party committee led all cadres and employees to meet difficulties, achieved excellent results, and completed a series of major tasks related to the company's long-term development such as promoting technological innovation and development; third, the plan for the next five years is feasible, and a comprehensive plan for the development of the next five years has been made systematically and comprehensively, with strong guidance and strong landing. I feel very excited and confident in the development of the company.

Li Bo, General Branch of Jianyan Party

The report has outstanding themes, far-sighted, and rich content. It comprehensively expounds the specific measures and disciplinary guarantees for accelerating the establishment of a national first-class technology-based design consulting group. Looking forward to the work in the next five years, we have high standing, wide vision, large pattern, clear thinking, and high-quality development in the future. The main tasks in the next five years are based on the present, looking to the future, decomposing and implementing, with clear responsibilities and strong implementability. The determination to be brave in self-revolution, strengthen discipline supervision, and provide strong discipline guarantee for the company's development is firm and measures are in place, it points out the path of struggle for the strugglers in the future.

Chen Yuan, Second Municipal Party Branch

In the report, we saw the company's party committee's loyalty to the party and its persistent pursuit of the cause, and the company's disciplinary committee's responsibility for escorting the company's reform and opening up. The "two committees" of the company always adhere to the development idea of taking the broad masses of cadres and workers as the center, constantly promote the reform and innovation of enterprises, promote the deep integration of the party's leadership and corporate governance, tighten the institutional cage of restricting power, promote the three non-corruption in depth, see clearly the red line, and keep the bottom line. I will conscientiously perform my duties as a representative, live up to my mission, live up to my heavy trust, successfully complete the tasks of this party congress, learn and pass on the spirit of the congress, and with full political enthusiasm and a good mental state, I will earnestly perform my duties, Offer suggestions and jointly draw a new blueprint for the construction and development of the company.

Jiang Wang, three municipal party branches

The report is not only a comprehensive review of the work of the past six years, but also a clear guide for the development of the next five years. I am deeply inspired and excited. Under the strong leadership of the party, our company has not only achieved steady growth in economic indicators, but also achieved leapfrog development in technological innovation, management improvement, and talent training. These achievements are inseparable from the hard work and unremitting efforts of every party member, cadre and employee. Next, under the guidance of Xi Jinping's thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, let us fully implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, unite as one, forge ahead, and make unremitting efforts to speed up the establishment of a first-class scientific and technological design consulting group in the country.

Zhang Yan, a joint party branch

The work report of the Party Committee summarizes the work and achievements of the past six years in a practical, comprehensive and objective manner from seven aspects: party building, comprehensive strength, corporate governance, talent team, technological transformation, brand value, and political ecology. During the six years, the company led by party building, Overcome the difficulties of the three years of the epidemic, overcome the difficulties of the industry cycle, and face the difficulties in the fierce market competition, it has realized the steady and healthy development of the enterprise and the sustained and stable growth of economic indicators, which fully reflects the core role of the Party committee in the process of realizing the enterprise vision of "national first-class and internationally competitive science and technology design consulting group", and also makes our employees full of confidence in the development of the company in the current industry development environment.


02| Scientific and technological innovation leads reform and development

Municipal Second Party Branch Youqiao

I am deeply encouraged by the work report of the party committee, which stands high in politics, has a simple and down-to-earth style of writing, and plans for the long-term from a strategically advantageous position, with clear thinking and bright spots. As a grassroots party member and cadre, I will use the spirit of this meeting as a guide, resolutely benchmark the goals and tasks proposed by the first congress, and effectively unify my thoughts and actions into my work, emancipate my mind, and bravely blaze a new path. Grasp the tuyere of the company's technological transformation, explore the digital, intelligent, and low-carbon innovation mechanism, innovation model, and innovation achievement transformation in the whole life cycle of facilities and equipment, so as to make it a new driving force for the company's development, and integrate professional technical skills, Business expansion thinking, and technological innovation empowerment are organically combined to lay a solid foundation and comprehensively enhance the "soft" and "hard" strength.

Joint four party branch Zhu Liang

The report proposes to "accelerate digital transformation", we will accelerate the digital transformation of operations management, through the application of management, service digitalization, to achieve a high degree of internal collaboration and sharing, efficient links with customers, for management and business empowerment. At the same time, we should strengthen fine management, comprehensively improve the management ability in all aspects, improve the efficiency of operation and management, explore the mechanism of scientific and technological innovation in parallel with scientific research and production departments, form new profit points through the transformation of R & D achievements, actively promote the application of digital and intelligent products in construction projects, change the original delivery mode, and provide new value to the owners.

Sun Yu, Joint Seven Party Branch

The report reviews the main work and achievements of the company in the past six years, and defines the goals and tasks for the next five years. This is the consciousness of brave pioneers and the new mission given to us by the times. As the head of the Innovation Institute-Digital Institute, I am deeply responsible but full of energy. It is not only my job, but also my ambition to make our design more scientific, intention more direct, data more useful and risk more controllable, to reshape the creative value of design with digital technology, and to extend the service to the whole life cycle of the project. As long as you swim early and swim well, you are in a blue ocean. Under the guidance of the spirit of the report of the "two committees", we will work together to stand up to the forefront, strive to be the first, the order will be issued, and the mission will be achieved.

United Nine Party Branch Weng Haiyin

The company's "two committees" report comprehensively summarizes the valuable achievements of the past six years and draws a blueprint for the development of the next five years. It is a programmatic document guiding the development of enterprises in the next five years and even longer. In the future work, we should base ourselves on our own responsibilities, clarify working ideas, innovate working mechanisms, grasp development opportunities, and set the orientation and requirements of quasi-company reform and development by establishing a solid overall concept, aiming at the trend of innovation-driven and industrial development, and promoting the great improvement of ability, the great change of work style and the great implementation of work with great emancipation of mind. Through reform and innovation, new rules, new mechanisms, new models and new kinetic energy will be established, forcing to break the mindset and path dependence, focus on the institutional mechanism to solve the bottleneck problems affecting the company's high-quality development.


03| Practical Work to Ignite the Dream of Struggle First

Planning Four Party Branches Tan Lele

The work summary in the report of the "two committees" is comprehensive and meticulous, the reform and innovation are in line with the company's reality, and the focus of work in the next five years is prominent. It can be said that this is a feast of vision, hearing and ideological cognition. I will actively integrate into the development of the company, analyze myself, be brave in revolution, firmly adhere to the concept of transformation and development, actively cater to the changes of the times, plan the reform of the industry and the group company, integrate "emancipate the mind, reform and innovation" into the department's market business operation, business revenue, brand construction, project quality, scientific research innovation, bidding management and other aspects, comprehensively promote the deepening transformation of the department and seek resilient development, to promote the company to build a national first-class science and technology design consulting group to contribute.

Li Xiangchun, Party Branch of Engineering General Contracting Company

In the work report of the Party committee, the company has made clear the goal of the next five years, which not only draws a grand blueprint from the overall level of the company, but also points out the key points and the way for the production departments and subsidiaries. As one of the first batch of general contractor employees for design transformation, we have strengthened our choice. In the next step, the general contractor company will convey the spirit of the Party Congress in place, learn well and implement it well. We will be guided by market demand, constantly adjust and optimize our business model, and enhance our scene integrated service capability by strengthening the integration with design general contractor, project general contracting and other businesses. At the same time, we will also pay attention to personnel training and team building, build a team with a high degree of professionalism and innovative spirit, and contribute the strength of the general contractor to build a national first-class scientific and technological design consulting group.

Joint Six Party Branches Li Jian

As a member of the Communist Party, I will be more strict with myself, adhere to the leadership of party building, closely unite around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core, and strengthen my ideals and beliefs under the strong leadership of the higher-level party committee, the disciplinary committee, and the company's party committee. Self-improvement, integrity and innovation, work hard and perform duties faithfully. Under the downward pressure of the survey and design industry, we should vigorously carry forward the spirit of self-revolution and struggle, make full use of our professional knowledge, do a good job in scientific and technological innovation, technological development and excellence, and discover and train more young architects, so as to make new and greater contributions to the high-quality development of the company.

Joint Six Party Branches Xu Renzong

The work report of the Party committee has clear objectives, stable direction and practical measures, which has injected new impetus into the development of the company and boosted the confidence of employees. In the next five years, I will keep in mind the identity of the party representative, take the report as the guide, shoulder the responsibility, run hard, resolutely implement the company's development goals and requirements, strengthen brand building, take planning as the guide, improve the scene integrated service ability, and show Hunan's design strength for the construction of beautiful China; strengthen capacity building, organize department staff to actively participate in various academic lectures and policy training, and carry out project evaluation and exchange meetings, continuously improve the professional ability of the team; strengthen the construction of work style, rally the hearts of the people through party building, give full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of party members, enhance the combat ability of the team and the kinetic energy of department development, and earnestly grasp the construction of work style to gather the strong kinetic energy of high-quality development of the department. to contribute to the development of the company.

He Yizhuo, Party Branch of the United Seventh Party Branch

The work report has a clear theme and prominent focus, and has drawn a grand blueprint for the next five years from the overall level of the company, pointing out the main direction and way forward. As the strategic development department, we will anchor the company's "14th Five-Year Plan" strategic development goals and the company's "15th Five-Year Plan" development direction proposed in the report, actively respond to the complex and changeable environment, further emancipate the mind, adhere to long-termism, and maintain strategic determination, Improve strategic management capabilities, maintain strategic management resilience, improve the strategic closed-loop management system, solidly promote the implementation of the "14th Five-Year Plan" to ensure the successful completion of various tasks, and plan the company's "15th Five-Year Plan" in advance, accelerate the company's high-quality development, and ensure the early realization of the vision of "a national first-class, internationally competitive technology-based design consulting group.

Hunan Provincial Architectural Design Institute